
サイクルマップの 使い方 How to Use This Map




桐生市内のお店でショッピング 桐生市内のお店でサイクリング計画の休憩やお食事

How to Use This Map

How to Use This Map

The main purpose of this Cycling Map is to introduce recommended stores in Kiryu City. Please use it to help plan out your breaks, for lunch, after ride drinks, shopping, and more in your cycling plan.

This map shows the general roads. Some of the roads may not have sidewalks for cyclists, or may be heavily trafficked by cars. Please take care to avoid injury or accident, obey traffic rules, and enjoy cycling! 

桐生市内のお店でショッピング 桐生市内のお店でサイクリング計画の休憩やお食事